Sunday, July 13, 2008

THE Question is......

Just about all of the social networking sites ask the question "What Are You Doing?" - that's a great question when seeking collaboration on a problem.

But at the end of the day, as a CEO, the real question is "What Did You Get Done Today?"

No-it's not about activity. Email is activity- avoidance activity, so we can avoid picking up the phone and really communicating by listening - which we will never be able to do in an email.

(Recommended Reading for the email obsessed:

What did you get done today........ that brought you closer to where you want to get?

As a CEO I am asked this question by my peers all of the time "How can I balance the day-to-day with strategy?" and my answer to every CEO, every time and everywhere is THE question.

There are an unlimited number of distractions brought right to you by those that would steal your time. So when I find myself just spinning in "activity" I recognize it's a sign. I stop.

And I ask myself THE question. I may be in a tornado of activity but at the end of the day what would I post on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, my blog or any other social networking site if I had to fill in a tiny box that asked:

"What Did You Get Done Today?"

There's THE answer!

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