Monday, November 10, 2008

Cheer up! Better Times Are Ahead

As I prepare for the final 2 CEO dinners of our 2008 'For CEOs By CEOs: Turning Problems Into Profits' series I wanted to share with everyone these words of wisdom from Roger Babson.

In his 1932 book written around the time of the Great Depression, "Cheer Up! Better Times Are Ahead", he shares inspiring insights on business cycles and how to thrive in them. Babson provides this for all to read:

I have personally spoken to 1,000's of CEOs across the globe this year and it's times like these that show us who the " Warren Buffetts of This Economy" really are.

They are hiring! They are buying! They are self-funding! They are taking advantage of this very market to disrupt those dying industries that had long since stopped innovating. They are focused and fearless. They are navigating the rapids of change.

And their vision is clear - better times are ahead.

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