You'll see this sign - in any economy:
Wanted: A billion dollar problem- willing to pay cash
It's the sign I saw in 2004 when Juniper paid over $4.1B for Netscreen with only $223M in revenues and less than 900 employees. Why? Netscreen solved the right problem.
It's the sign we all saw just last year when a four year old company of just 60 people, Sirtris Pharmaceuticals, was bought by GlaxoSmith Kline for $720M. Why? Sirtris solved the right problem.
It's the sign we saw this week when it was announced that Starent, with its $240M in revenue would be acquired by Cisco for $2.9 Billion. Why? Starent solved the right problem.
There's no secret to multi-billion dollar success anymore. We see it again and again and again...
Even the Wright Bros, who solved a problem no one else from DaVinci to Galileo could solve (controlled flight) and went on to create a multi-billion dollar industry; in an economy even worse than 2009's - the pattern of success was the same.
So no matter what business you are growing, no matter what product you are building, no matter what offering you are perfecting; STOP. And ask yourself, first......
Are you solving the right problem?
If you are, let nothing stop you. If you aren't STOP and immediately change direction. And this sign will show up at your door:
Wanted: A billion dollar problem - willing to pay cash